Saturday, April 30, 2011

Helpful Hints!

       The posts titled like this will be things I've learned from personal experience. If your like me after you got your eyebrows done for the first time you liked the way they looked and wanted to keep them maintained. A little while after I got them done I found them them uneven, so I tried to even them out. I got a little pluck happy and took about half of them of..... They were even, but they were only half there.... It looked ridiculous. I had to attempt to regrow them and had to deal with how to fill them. One thing that I used that I think helped them grow faster is the Castor oil. I applied a thin coat of it with a cotton swab to my eyebrows and where the eyebrow was previously. They grew back in about 6 weeks. There really is no miracle product that can fix it in a week, but they can grow back quicker than 6 weeks depending on how quickly your hair grows in general. Also when you try to fill them in use a powder. A wax can fill in spare areas, but it will look very unnatural if there is no hair there. A pencil makes eyebrows (if there is no hair there) very unnatural so powder is your best bet.
       ~Stay Beautiful! <3

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